West Bengal Govt 6th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table PDF Download
The West Bengal State Government accepted and implemented the recommendations of 6th Pay Commission including the Pay Matrix Table.
WB Pay Matrix Level 1 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 2 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 3 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 4 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 5 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 6 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 7 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 8 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 9 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 10 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 11 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 12 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 13 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 14 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 15 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 16 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 17 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 18 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 19 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 20 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 21 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 22 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 23 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 24 | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 6A | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 9A | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 10A | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 10B | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 10C | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 12A | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 12B | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 15A | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 16A | View Table |
WB Pay Matrix Level 19A | View Table |
WB ROPA 2019
The Finance Department of WB issued a notification on 25.9.2019 regarding the West Bengal Services (Revision of Pay and Allowance) Rules 2019 in detail.
WB ROPA Pay Scale 2019
WB Govt accepted and implemented the new pay scale structure called ‘Pay Matrix Table’ to its employees at par with Central Government employees. But the pay matrix level 1 has been fixed as Rs. 17000 only, whereas in Central Govt Services fixed as Rs. 18000.
WB 6th Pay Commission Salary Calculator
The notification explained the fixation of pay in the revised pay structure with an illustration. The method of calculation for revising the pay is the same in the format of the 7th Pay Commission of Central Government employees. The pre-revised pay multiplied by a factor of 2.57, rounded off to the nearest rupee. And then the pay is fixed at the immediate next higher cell value in the applicable pay level.
For example, an employee is drawing basic pay Rs. 7410 with Grade Pay Rs. 1800. His existing basic pay is Rs. 9210 in the pre-revised pay structure. After multiplying with the fitment factor of 2.57, Rs. 23669.70 and rounded off to the nearest rupee as Rs. 23670. The corresponding pay level will be pay matrix level 2. His pay will be fixed at Rs. 24300.
What is WB Pay Matrix?
Pay Matrix means Matrix specified in the table, with levels of pay arranged in vertical cells as assigned to corresponding existing Pay Band and Grade Pay. The WB 6th Pay Commission Pay Matrix Table contains 34 Levels with 33 vertical indexes.
- Minimum Pay in Pay Matrix Table – Rs. 17,000 (Pay Level – 1)
- Maximum Pay in Pay Matrix Table – Rs. 1,28,900 (Pay Level – 24)
West Bengal Pay Matrix ROPA 2019
The Government has accepted the recommendation of the Commission to dispense with the present system of pay bands and grade pay and a new Pay Matrix as recommended by the Commission has been accepted without any modification.
In addition, the Government has prescribed another table for Pay Matrix to cover the cases for those Government servants whose pay structures were not identical to the pay structures covered by the Commission in its recommendations.
West Bengal Pay Matrix Table for Levels 1 and 2
Grade Pay | 1700 | 1800 |
Index | Pay Level 1 | Pay Level 2 |
1 | 17000 | 17600 |
2 | 17500 | 18100 |
3 | 18000 | 18600 |
4 | 18500 | 19200 |
5 | 19100 | 19800 |
6 | 19700 | 20400 |
7 | 20300 | 21000 |
8 | 20900 | 21600 |
9 | 21500 | 22200 |
10 | 22100 | 22900 |
11 | 22800 | 23600 |
12 | 23500 | 24300 |
13 | 24200 | 25000 |
14 | 24900 | 25800 |
15 | 25600 | 26600 |
West Bengal Pay Matrix Table for Levels 3 to 7
Grade Pay | 1900 | 2100 | 2300 | 2600 | 2900 |
Old Entry Pay | 7300 | 7680 | 8160 | 8840 | 9600 |
Index | Pay Level 3 | Pay Level 4 | Pay Level 5 | Pay Level 6 | Pay Level 7 |
1 | 18800 | 19700 | 21000 | 22700 | 24700 |
2 | 19400 | 20300 | 21600 | 23400 | 25400 |
3 | 20000 | 20900 | 22200 | 24100 | 26200 |
4 | 20600 | 21500 | 22900 | 24800 | 27000 |
5 | 21200 | 22100 | 23600 | 25500 | 27800 |
6 | 21800 | 22800 | 24300 | 26300 | 28600 |
7 | 22500 | 23500 | 25000 | 27100 | 29500 |
8 | 23200 | 24200 | 25800 | 27900 | 30400 |
9 | 23900 | 24900 | 26600 | 28700 | 31300 |
10 | 24600 | 25600 | 27400 | 29600 | 32200 |
11 | 25300 | 26400 | 28200 | 30500 | 33200 |
12 | 26100 | 27200 | 29000 | 31400 | 34200 |
13 | 26900 | 28000 | 29900 | 32300 | 35200 |
14 | 27700 | 28800 | 30800 | 33300 | 36300 |
15 | 28500 | 29700 | 31700 | 34300 | 37400 |
16 | 29400 | 30600 | 32700 | 35300 | 38500 |
17 | 30300 | 31500 | 33700 | 36400 | 39700 |
18 | 31200 | 32400 | 34700 | 37500 | 40900 |
19 | 32100 | 33400 | 35700 | 38600 | 42100 |
20 | 33100 | 34400 | 36800 | 39800 | 43400 |
21 | 34100 | 35400 | 37900 | 41000 | 44700 |
22 | 35100 | 36500 | 39000 | 42200 | 46000 |
23 | 36200 | 37600 | 40200 | 43500 | 47400 |
24 | 37300 | 38700 | 41400 | 44800 | 48800 |
25 | 38400 | 39900 | 42600 | 46100 | 50300 |
26 | 39600 | 41100 | 43900 | 47500 | 51800 |
27 | 40800 | 42300 | 45200 | 48900 | 53400 |
28 | 42000 | 43600 | 46600 | 50400 | 55000 |
29 | 43300 | 44900 | 48000 | 51900 | 56700 |
30 | 44600 | 46200 | 49400 | 53500 | 58400 |
31 | 45900 | 47600 | 50900 | 55100 | 60200 |
32 | 47300 | 49000 | 52400 | 56800 | 62000 |
33 | 48700 | 50500 | 54000 | 58500 | 63900 |
West Bengal Pay Matrix Table for Levels 8 to 11
Grade Pay | 3200 | 3600 | 3900 | 4100 |
Old Entry Pay | 10300 | 11040 | 12270 | 12750 |
Index | Pay Level 8 | Pay Level 9 | Pay Level 10 | Pay Level 11 |
1 | 27000 | 28900 | 32100 | 33400 |
2 | 27800 | 29800 | 33100 | 34400 |
3 | 28600 | 30700 | 34100 | 35400 |
4 | 29500 | 31600 | 35100 | 36500 |
5 | 30400 | 32500 | 36200 | 37600 |
6 | 31300 | 33500 | 37300 | 38700 |
7 | 32200 | 34500 | 38400 | 39900 |
8 | 33200 | 35500 | 39600 | 41100 |
9 | 34200 | 36600 | 40800 | 42300 |
10 | 35200 | 37700 | 42000 | 43600 |
11 | 36300 | 38800 | 43300 | 44900 |
12 | 37400 | 40000 | 44600 | 46200 |
13 | 38500 | 41200 | 45900 | 47600 |
14 | 39700 | 42400 | 47300 | 49000 |
15 | 40900 | 43700 | 48700 | 50500 |
16 | 42100 | 45000 | 50200 | 52000 |
17 | 43400 | 46400 | 51700 | 53600 |
18 | 44700 | 47800 | 53300 | 55200 |
19 | 46000 | 49200 | 54900 | 56900 |
20 | 47400 | 50700 | 56500 | 58600 |
21 | 48800 | 52200 | 58200 | 60400 |
22 | 50300 | 53800 | 59900 | 62200 |
23 | 51800 | 55400 | 61700 | 64100 |
24 | 53400 | 57100 | 63600 | 66000 |
25 | 55000 | 58800 | 65500 | 68000 |
26 | 56700 | 60600 | 67500 | 70000 |
27 | 58400 | 62400 | 69500 | 72100 |
28 | 60200 | 64300 | 71600 | 74300 |
29 | 62000 | 66200 | 73700 | 76500 |
30 | 63900 | 68200 | 75900 | 78800 |
31 | 65800 | 70200 | 78200 | 81200 |
32 | 67800 | 72300 | 80500 | 83600 |
33 | 69800 | 74500 | 82900 | 86100 |
West Bengal Pay Matrix Table for Levels 12 to 15
Grade Pay | 4400 | 4600 | 4700 | 4800 |
Old Entry Pay | 13400 | 13900 | 14930 | 15960 |
Index | Pay Level 12 | Pay Level 13 | Pay Level 14 | Pay Level 15 |
1 | 35800 | 37100 | 39900 | 42600 |
2 | 36900 | 38200 | 41100 | 43900 |
3 | 38000 | 39300 | 42300 | 45200 |
4 | 39100 | 40500 | 43600 | 46600 |
5 | 40300 | 41700 | 44900 | 48000 |
6 | 41500 | 43000 | 46200 | 49400 |
7 | 42700 | 44300 | 47600 | 50900 |
8 | 44000 | 45600 | 49000 | 52400 |
9 | 45300 | 47000 | 50500 | 54000 |
10 | 46700 | 48400 | 52000 | 55600 |
11 | 48100 | 49900 | 53600 | 57300 |
12 | 49500 | 51400 | 55200 | 59000 |
13 | 51000 | 52900 | 56900 | 60800 |
14 | 52500 | 54500 | 58600 | 62600 |
15 | 54100 | 56100 | 60400 | 64500 |
16 | 55700 | 57800 | 62200 | 66400 |
17 | 57400 | 59500 | 64100 | 68400 |
18 | 59100 | 61300 | 66000 | 70500 |
19 | 60900 | 63100 | 68000 | 72600 |
20 | 62700 | 65000 | 70000 | 74800 |
21 | 64600 | 67000 | 72100 | 77000 |
22 | 66500 | 69000 | 74300 | 79300 |
23 | 68500 | 71100 | 76500 | 81700 |
24 | 70600 | 73200 | 78800 | 84200 |
25 | 72700 | 75400 | 81200 | 86700 |
26 | 74900 | 77700 | 83600 | 89300 |
27 | 77100 | 80000 | 86100 | 92000 |
28 | 79400 | 82400 | 88700 | 94800 |
29 | 81800 | 84900 | 91400 | 97600 |
30 | 84300 | 87400 | 94100 | 100500 |
31 | 86800 | 90000 | 96900 | 103500 |
32 | 89400 | 92700 | 99800 | 106600 |
33 | 92100 | 95500 | 102800 | 109800 |
West Bengal Pay Matrix Table for Levels 16 to 18
Grade Pay | 5400 | 6600 | 7000 |
Old Entry Pay | 21000 | 25200 | 25600 |
Index | Pay Level 16 | Pay Level 17 | Pay Level 18 |
1 | 56100 | 67300 | 68400 |
2 | 57800 | 69300 | 70500 |
3 | 59500 | 71400 | 72600 |
4 | 61300 | 73500 | 74800 |
5 | 63100 | 75700 | 77000 |
6 | 65000 | 78000 | 79300 |
7 | 67000 | 80300 | 81700 |
8 | 69000 | 82700 | 84200 |
9 | 71100 | 85200 | 86700 |
10 | 73200 | 87800 | 89300 |
11 | 75400 | 90400 | 92000 |
12 | 77700 | 93100 | 94800 |
13 | 80000 | 95900 | 97600 |
14 | 82400 | 98800 | 100500 |
15 | 84900 | 101800 | 103500 |
16 | 87400 | 104900 | 106600 |
17 | 90000 | 108000 | 109800 |
18 | 92700 | 111200 | 113100 |
19 | 95500 | 114500 | 116500 |
20 | 98400 | 117900 | 120000 |
21 | 101400 | 121400 | 123600 |
22 | 104400 | 125000 | 127300 |
23 | 107500 | 128800 | 131100 |
24 | 110700 | 132700 | 135000 |
25 | 114000 | 136700 | 139100 |
26 | 117400 | 140800 | 143300 |
27 | 120900 | 145000 | 147600 |
28 | 124500 | 149400 | 152000 |
29 | 128200 | 153900 | 156600 |
30 | 132000 | 158500 | 161300 |
31 | 136000 | 163300 | 166100 |
32 | 140100 | 168200 | 171100 |
33 | 144300 | 173200 | 176200 |
West Bengal Pay Matrix Table for Pay Level 19 to 20
Grade Pay | 7600 | 8000 |
Old Entry Pay | 35600 | 36000 |
Index | Pay Level 19 | Pay Level 20 |
1 | 95100 | 96100 |
2 | 98000 | 99000 |
3 | 100900 | 102000 |
4 | 103900 | 105100 |
5 | 107000 | 108300 |
6 | 110200 | 111500 |
7 | 113500 | 114800 |
8 | 116900 | 118200 |
9 | 120400 | 121700 |
10 | 124000 | 125400 |
11 | 127700 | 129200 |
12 | 131500 | 133100 |
13 | 135400 | 137100 |
14 | 139500 | 141200 |
15 | 143700 | 145400 |
16 | 148000 | 149800 |
West Bengal Pay Matrix Table for Levels 21 to 24
Grade Pay | 8700 | 8900 | 9500 | 10000 |
Old Entry Pay | 46100 | 46300 | 46900 | 47400 |
Index | Pay Level 21 | Pay Level 22 | Pay Level 23 | Pay Level 24 |
1 | 123100 | 123600 | 125200 | 128900 |
2 | 126800 | 127300 | 129000 | 132800 |
3 | 130600 | 131100 | 132900 | 136800 |
4 | 134500 | 135000 | 136900 | 140900 |
5 | 138500 | 139100 | 141000 | 145100 |
6 | 142700 | 143300 | 145200 | 149500 |
7 | 147000 | 147600 | 149600 | 154000 |
8 | 151400 | 152000 | 154100 | 158600 |
9 | 155900 | 156600 | 158700 | 163400 |
10 | 160600 | 161300 | 163500 | 168300 |
11 | 165400 | 166100 | 168400 | 173300 |
12 | 170400 | 171100 | 173500 | 178500 |
13 | 175500 | 176200 | 178700 | 183900 |
14 | 180800 | 181500 | 184100 | 189400 |
15 | 186200 | 186900 | 189600 | 195100 |
16 | 191800 | 192500 | 195300 | 201000 |
WB Concordance Table for Pay Matrix Level with Grade Pay
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 1 = Grade Pay 1700 (PB 1 4900-16200)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 2 = Grade Pay 1800 (PB 1 4900-16200)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 3 = Grade Pay 1900 (PB 2 5400-25200)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 4 = Grade Pay 2100 (PB 2 5400-25200)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 5 = Grade Pay 2300 (PB 2 5400-25200)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 6 = Grade Pay 2600 (PB 2 5400-25200)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 7 = Grade Pay 2900 (PB 2 5400-25200)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 8 = Grade Pay 3200 (PB 3 7100-37600)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 9 = Grade Pay 3600 (PB 3 7100-37600)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 10 = Grade Pay 3900 (PB 3 7100-37600)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 11 = Grade Pay 4100 (PB 3 7100-37600)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 12 = Grade Pay 4400 (PB 4 9000-40500)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 13 = Grade Pay 4600 (PB 4 9000-40500)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 14 = Grade Pay 4700 (PB 4 9000-40500)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 15 = Grade Pay 4800 (PB 4 9000-40500)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 16 = Grade Pay 5400 (PB 4A 15600-42000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 17 = Grade Pay 6600 (PB 4A 15600-42000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 18 = Grade Pay 7000 (PB 4A 15600-42000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 19 = Grade Pay 7600 (PB 4B 28000-52000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 20 = Grade Pay 8000 (PB 4B 28000-52000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 21 = Grade Pay 8700 (PB 5 37400-60000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 22 = Grade Pay 8900 (PB 5 37400-60000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 23 = Grade Pay 9500 (PB 5 37400-60000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 24 = Grade Pay 10000 (PB 5 37400-60000)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 6A = Grade Pay 2680 (PB 2 5400-25200)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 9A = Grade Pay 3650 (PB 3 7100-37600)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 10A = Grade Pay 3950 (PB 3 7100-37600)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 10B = Grade Pay 3960 (PB 3 7100-37600)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 10C = Grade Pay 4220 (PB 3 7100-37600)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 12A = Grade Pay 4580 (PB 4 9000-40500)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 12B = Grade Pay 4780 (PB 4 9000-40500)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 15A = Grade Pay 5040 (PB 4 9000-40500)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 16A = Grade Pay 5640 (PB 4 9000-40500)
- WB ROPA Pay Matrix Level 19A = Grade Pay 7740 (PB 4B 28000-52000)